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47 Fun Paper Plate Crafts for Kids

Got some extra paper plates? These great paper plate crafts are both for kids of all ages and adults. You can have a lot of fun with all these!

Looking for craft projects can be daunting, especially when you have no idea what to look for or where to start. Let’s make it easy for you.

Here’s a list of easy paper plate crafts that you’re going to absolutely love exploring and experimenting with. They’re all super easy to make, inexpensive, and very kid-centric, which means you’ll have plenty of material to work with when you’re planning their activities.
So here you go, take a look make these fun things with little hands!
paper plate crafts

1. Flower



Growing plants, trees, veggies, or flowers can be hard work. There’s no instant gratification, which can be difficult for little kids to grapple with.

So how about a paper plate flower instead? It’s the best of both worlds. Not only do you get to get them interested in growing things. There’s also that quick reward once they’re done painting.

You don’t need too many supplies for this easy craft. Just grab your paper plates, some paints, brushes from here.

You can also add a little 3D art to your painting if you use cardstock to cut out trees and flowers. This is one of the best ideas for little girls or even older kids to make.

2. DIY Woven Bowl

woven bowl


Weaving a cute bowl like this out of yarn can be more fun than you’d think. It’s actually pretty therapeutic to just keep wrapping a paper plate with yarn and turning it into this bowl.

But first, you will need to bend the plate into a bowl-like shape. When you’re happy with it, grab some yarn from here and just go around repeatedly till the outside is all wrapped up.

You can use this bowl as a little display trinket bowl or even as a junk bowl. You can just dump spare change, little odds and ends, bobbins, and more.

This is one of the paper plate craft ideas that’s fun for adults to make.

3. Witch



How about a nice paper plate witch to keep the little ones occupied for the next hour or so? You already know what you’ll need when you’re painting a witch, right?

Loads and loads of wicked green paint. You will also need orange and black tissue or construction paper to make crinkled curls and a pointy witch hat.

When the paint dries, you can use a marker to draw a nose and mouth. You can use googly eyes from here, as well. Sure the witch doesn’t look evil, but it’s the thought that counts.

4. Rocket



Kids—and adults, too—have a never-ending and inexplicable fascination for outer space. It’s super easy to just close your eyes and explore the galaxies and stars in your mind’s eye.

But a real astronaut needs more than his mind’s eye to reach the stars—he needs a rocket. To feed your child’s fascination for space and get him a little closer to the stars, let’s take a look at this paper plate rocket ship craft.

Grab some construction paper from here to get you started on this adventure. And, if you happen to have any leftover construction paper, then check out these construction paper crafts.

5. Bat



In the market for a non-spooky Halloween project for the younger kids? Then grab some paper plates and set up all your supplies at your craft desk.

You’re going to be making this adorable, wide-eyed, cute-as-a-button bat. Yes, bat. It’s the only way to get toddlers and preschoolers into the spirit of Halloween without the creepiness factor at play.

There’s a free bat template available for you to download. Just print it out and cut out the different components. Also, grab some black paint and paint your paper plate.

6. Grinch



That paper plate witch and bat might not have been scary, but the grinch, even a paper plate one, is just terrifying. It’s probably the smile, or the eyes, or the green color, or just about everything about him.

But I can understand how kids would get a kick out of making a paper plate grinch, so let’s take a look at what you’ll need by way of supplies:

  • Green paper plate from here
  • Red felt from here
  • Paint
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Hot glue gun

If you already have plain paper plated, then just grab some brushes and paint them green.

7. Monster



Another monster paper plate for you to try, and this one’s rather cute, even if I say so myself. It’s a great craft station idea, as well, if you’re hosting a party and need to keep a whole bunch of kids entertained.

It requires only the most basic of supplies, which I’m sure you already have in your craft supplies. So grab a sharpie and some felt and trace your shapes onto it.

This includes teeth, tongue, eyes, horns, and mouth. You can always just hot glue googly eyes instead, as well.

8. Racoon



What better base to make a racoon out of than a paper plate. The roundness of the plate is perfect to capture the racoon’s own fluffy face.

To make it a little more interesting, why don’t you poke a few holes on either side and string some yarn through it. Pick out different colors of yarn for colorful and creative options.

I think we’d all love a racoon with purple ninja masks, right? When you’ve threaded the yarn through, just hot glue the eyes on top of it to really make them pop.

9. Cotton Ball Penguin

Cotton Ball Penguin


This fluffy cotton ball penguin is just the cutest thing ever. And just when you thought they couldn’t get any cuter, they’re wearing earmuffs.

The earmuffs will be a definite hit with the younger kids. They usually love playing with pom poms. You can either make your own pom poms from scratch or buy them ready made here.

Check out how to make yarn pom poms from scratch. This tutorial will definitely help you master the art of making pom poms.

10. Space



If your kids loved the rocket ship they made earlier, then they’re going to adore this paper plate space craft, too. Maybe you can start a collection of space-related paper crafts and keep adding to your collection!

This paper plate craft features just about everything, from flying spaceships, to rockets, stars, and a lot of space. There’s a template that’s been provided which will help you along the way.

Making the stars can be tricky, though, if you plan to cut them out of paper. So pick up a start paper punch from here to make things easier for you.

11. Apple



Another easy paper plate project your kids will enjoy is this tissue paper apple craft. One of fun paper plate crafts the children will love making. Painting a paper plate red and calling it an apple is an old school.

This is the time to experiment with colors and textures and even get younger kids to start practicing paper cutting—with adult supervision, of course.

It’s a half-hour craft session that gives your kids some new skills and a new keepsake to get them by till their next craft session.

12. Minni Mouse

Minni Mouse


Minni and Mickey were the dynamic duo of my childhood, as I’m sure they were for so many of us. They were my first glimpse of what a power couple can look like, believe it or not.

But when it comes to craft time, I always lean towards Minnie. It’s probably because of her big red bow. I definitely love that added dash of red, which makes working on Minnie even more special.

For the paper plate rendition of Minnie’s bow, grab some sparkly glitter cardstock for an extra special bow.

Alternatively, you can buy a pre-made cardboard or paper cutout of a bow, as well.

13. Magnet Maze

Magnet Maze


Remember that game we used to play when we were kids? You know, the one with the little metal ball we would try to move around a maze and into the little hole at the end?

You’re going to be making a much simpler version of that game today. It’s a fun craft session and activity rolled up into one.

It’s especially beneficial for young toddlers. They can work their way around the maze and that will help them grasp the basics of problem-solving at a young age.

14. Sunshine and Cloud

Sunshine and Cloud


Where there’s a cloud, there’s bound to be a sun hiding right behind it. This sunshine and cloud paper plate craft requires a little bit of planning, but it’s definitely worth the effort.

Grab a couple of paper plates and a pair of scissors and follow the instructions to create the templates for the sun and clouds.

Next, you’ll be painting both components in their respective shades of white and yellow. For the cloud, go ahead and apply a generous amount of glue before sticking cotton balls in place. There, doesn’t that look fluffy and bright?

This is a perfect summer craft!

15. Unicorn



Sunshine, clouds, rain, rainbows, and…unicorns! I can never quite get enough of unicorns. It’s not just the pretty colors, sparkles, the glitz, or the glamor of unicorns.

It’s that they are so fundamentally happy and positive. They literally symbolize all things good and kind in the world, and the least we can do is commemorate them on paper plates.

Go ahead and make this lovely unicorn paper plate craft that your kids can get a kick out of making!

16. Princess Leia

Princess Leia


To all the Star Wars fanatics out there, this one’s for you. Princess Leia on a paper plate or on the big screen is definitely worth fan-girling over.

Besides, it’s never too soon to get the younger generation hooked on Star Wars, right? So check out the downloadable Princess Leia template that’s been provided and get started on this project.

You can even put on the actual movie while you’re working on this project and make a whole day out of it! Star Wars, Princess Leia, popcorn, and craft time, the recipe for a perfect afternoon.

17. Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh


When Disney released Christopher Robin, I just knew that I had to watch it and commemorate the movie with something. If you have kids who love Winnie the Pooh, then you’re going to want to check this project out.

Pooh bear’s lovely rotund face on a paper plate just makes absolute sense, right? I bet you already have all the supplies you’ll be needing, but let’s check again:

  • Yellow paper plate
  • Black/yellow craft foam from here
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Marker

18. Fruit Slices

Fruit Slices


Tired of getting your kids to eat their fruits? Well, then maybe a fruity plate like this can help you get them excited about both craft time and mealtime.

It’s also an opportunity for them to actually learn about fruits, so it’s a win-win situation. Here’s a list of fruits you can recreate on a paper plate:

  • Apple
  • Orange
  • Melons
  • Kiwi
  • Mango

There are plenty more to choose from. Just do a little research to help you design your plate. You can even use a pair of scissors to help your kids cut out the different shapes.

19. Sydney Harbor

Sydney Harbor


Sydney Harbor Bridge is a lovely spot for a day of playing tourist. Did you know that it is one of the widest long-span bridges in the world?

I remember picking up little souvenirs after a trip there, and I still have them today. How about you make a Sydney Harbor Bridge from scratch, or rather, from paper plates?

You will also need two paper cups from here, as well as your basic craft essentials. Do you really want to work out the fine details and add a patriotic touch at the same time? Then add a little toothpick Australian flag!

20. Ladybug



Now you’re probably wondering how that paper plate lady bug looks a bit 3D. Well, it’s pretty simple, really. You just flip the plate over and decorate the outside of it.

That way you get a little added dimension for your ladybug to make her, well, stand out. This project can help your little ones work on their fine motor skills, too.

Grab a large paper plate and apply a base coat of red on both sides. Just because you’re only working on the outside doesn’t mean you leave the inside unfinished!

This is one of the cute paper plate crafts that everyone will love making.

21. Tipping Teapot

Tipping Teapot


Having a tea party at playtime is a rite of passage for young kids. But you  can’t really break out the fine china and serving set, can you?

And younger kids and toddlers might not be up to handling plastic cups just yet. So what you can do in the meantime is to make a teapot out of a paper plate.

Not just any teapot, but a tipping teapot that you can paint on the plate at a certain angle so it’s tippable. That way your kids can ‘pour’ their tea from these.

You can also use this opportunity to teach them a nursery rhyme or two.

22. Snowman Christmas Countdown

snowman Christmas Countdown


I can almost hear it already, and it’s only October. I can hear that oft-repeated question: how many days until Christmas?

If you’ve got a couple of little tykes who love nothing better than to count down for Christmas the minute they see the back of Halloween, then check out this Christmas countdown snowman calendar/clock.

Not only can your kids learn to count down the days with it, you’ll never have to hear another one of those “How many days till…?” questions ever again.

23. St. Patricks Wreath

St. Patricks Wreath


Have you ever explained the significance of St. Patrick’s day to your kids? If you have, then I bet they’re excited about this lucky holiday, and rightfully so.

There are so many different ways to prepare for it, and all those options have a big green signal from me. Why don’t you start with this lovely wreath?

It’s a four-leaf clover wreath made with different hues of green. For the base, you’ll be cutting out the rim of a paper plate. Pick up some green construction paper from here to get started.

24. Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Daniel and the Lion’s Den


Craft time for kids is always a learning opportunity just waiting to happen. Or, it can be storytime, play time, and learning time, all in one session.

This next paper plate craft is for all the Daniel and the lion’s den story fans. The story itself is about faith and other important lessons.

You can turn that story into a memorable lesson, as well as an involved craft project. Just gather your supplies and sit your kids down for a fun afternoon of crafting and stories.

25. Suncatcher



A suncatcher is a visual delight that can keep your little ones occupied for a good long time. This includes the time it takes to make the catcher, as well as the time they spend watching the lights dance.

For that you’ll need to hang it up in front of a window. But first, grab some tissue paper from here. You’ll use this paper to cut confetti strips to paste in the middle.

If you have any leftover tissue paper, you can always save them for another project. Check out these stash-busting tissue paper crafts, or even this tutorial on how to make tissue paper pom poms.

26. Snake



You remember how you’d peel an orange all the way around till you have one big strip of peel? Well, if you cut a paper plate the same way, you’ll have something pretty similar.

You will have a winding coil of paper that looks a lot like a snake. So let’s get right down to painting and subsequently decorating this paper plate snake.

You can paint little spots all around the body, and when you’re ready to decorate the head, grab some googly eyes from here and stick it right on top. Don’t forget the forked tongue, as well.

27. Scarecrow



How about a cute scarecrow for your next DIY paper plate project? I know that scarecrows are technically supposed to be, well, scary.

But somehow, even if it doesn’t scare a single crow away, I’d still be thrilled with the outcome. You get a fun and creative craft session with your little one and spend quality time crafting a new keepsake.

You can even hang this scarecrow up in your kid’s room by the window. Perhaps it might scare away a sparrow or something!

28. Whale



You’re going to have a whale of a time on this next DIY paper plate project. I just couldn’t resist making that pun, not when you’re going to be making an actual whale out of paper plates.

Every kid I know has gone through an ocean life and sea animals phase at one point of time or another. I’m still not fully over my own ‘phase.’

This is their chance to interact with these behemoth mammals. It’s a learning opportunity to inculcate a healthy appreciation and respect for the wonders and mysteries of the ocean.

29. Caterpillars



Let’s use this opportunity to size down our projects a little. A jump from whales to caterpillars might seem a little drastic, but these mini-beasts are still an interesting species to learn about.

You will need to trim the ridged curved rim of the plate for this project. The ribbing that’s already there will help recreate the caterpillar’s body shape and texture.

You don’t have to stop there, though. You can paint the body of the caterpillar, too, with spots and little swiggles.

30. Plane in the Clouds

Plane in the Clouds


High up in the clouds, or down at your craft desk, planes are the best. I went through such a plane craze when I was little, and it’s an obsession that hasn’t really gone away.

Grab a paper plate and paint it blue to get started. Next, to replicate the clouds in the sky, you’re going to glue fluffy cotton all around the base.

Next, you can either make your own plane from scratch—which is super fun, by the way—or you can use one of those little toy planes(look here).

This is one of the kid crafts that’s easy peasy, fun to make, and looks cute.

31. Tiger


Have you taken your little ones to the zoo yet? I bet that the minute that you get back they’re going to be obsessed about all the different animals they saw. So let’s get ready to meet that fascination for animals at craft time.

To make this paper plate tiger, you’re going to need orange, black, white, and green paint. You will also need brushes, a couple of markers, and a pair of scissors.

You can draw out a template of the tiger first and use it to cut out the shape out of the paper plate or directly draw on the plate itself. Either way, you and your kids will have a blast—both at the zoo and during craft time.

32. Rainbow


I think this rainbow paper plate can be a spectacular way to teach your kids about colors. It’s an opportunity to incorporate fun and lessons, and that’s the perfect recipe for growth.

Pull out your glue sticks and grab some construction paper from the local supplies store if you’re running low. Grab a paper plate, as well as a paper trimmer like this.

This entire project won’t take you more than half an hour, but how about you sit your kids down with a plate of cookies and make an afternoon out of it?

33. Snowman


Do you wanna build a snowman? Don’t even deny that you read those words in little Ana’s words. Well, no judgment from me; ever since Frozen came out, Olaf and snowmen in general are high on my list of favorite Disney characters.

I wonder if you have any bottle caps lying around that you haven’t gotten around to dumping just yet? You only need two or three—depending on how tall your snowman is.

Grab a black marker and draw a little face on the topmost cap. Don’t forget hands and the pointy carrot nose, too.

This is definitely one of the fun ideas you can make! A paper plate snowman like no other!

34. Frankenstein Mask


Frankenstein’s masks are a great thing to make. They’re not your typical DIY mask, and I’ll be honest, they do need a little more time and effort.

But when you’re done, you’ll know that it was all worth it. Right down from the bushy eyes, to the sewn up forehead, this misunderstood monster has it all.

It’s the perfect opportunity to rope your kids into helping you make their Halloween costume. I bet they’ll appreciate something that they helped to make much more than something you picked up from the store, right?

35. Spider


Another spooky Halloween craft project that you can make are these paper plate spiders. They’re just the right amount of spooky, without crossing the border into downright scary.

But all those googly eyes really do help, don’t they? You also need to buy some black pipe cleaners while you’re shopping. You can’t have your spider without its hairy spindly legs.

Maybe you can pair this craft session with a pumpkin carving session and make a day out of it? You can have your home decorated, costume prepared, and be fully ready to welcome Halloween!

Here are 27 spider crafts your bug-loving child will love!

36. Black Cat


One more item to add to your list of Halloween crafts: a cute black cat. I think paper plates allow you to capture the shape of a cat’s back purrfectly. There, I made that pun, so now let’s take a look at what you need to make this black cat:

  • Paper plates
  • Paint
  • Googly eyes
  • Pencils and markers
  • Scissors

While you’re at it, also take a look at some of these Halloween craft project you can explore:

37. Easter Bunny Wreath


Let’s take a small break from all those Halloween crafts for just a hot second. Why don’t we head over to, say Easter, and see what you need to do to make this Easter bunny wreath?

The first step would be to cut out your paper plate into a circular wreath-like form. From there, you can plan, design, and cut your little Easter eggs and stick them in place around the paper plate.

The final step after you stick on the ears is to write out a message wishing everyone a ‘Hoppy Easter.’ You see what we just did there?

38. Parrot


Do you have any feathers lying around? Not actual feathers from birds, buy craft feathers—preferably colored. Pick out a couple of them because you’re going to be using them to pad the wings of your paper plate parrot.

Grab some red paint and other simple craft essentials. Use a template to cut out the paper plate into the parrot shape, wings and beaks and all.

Then grab your hot glue gun and start gluing your feathers onto the wings.

39. Spider Web


If you’re ready to get back to working on Halloween crafts, then let’s start with this spider web on a paper plate. It’s easy, and it’s pretty fun for toddlers to weave the yarn into a web.

Grab some white yarn from here, a hole punch, this plastic spider, and tape. Use a hole punch and randomly punch holes into the paper plate around the edges.
Now wrap a bit of tape around the end of a length of yarn and pull it through the holes randomly. Leave a few inches of yarn to tie the plastic spider, and you’re done.

40. Halloween


Halloween pumpkins and ghosts on paper plates. What’s not to love, right? These are always my go-to craft projects when I need something quick and simple.

You will also need a handful of pipe cleaners, googly eyes, a punch hole, and different colors of paint. You can switch out the regular paint with sparkly glitter paint, as well.

Once the paint dries, you can get started on decorating the plates.

41. Sunshine


After the dark nights of Halloween, let’s take a step out into the sunshine. You know that lovely song You Are My Sunshine?

Every time I hear that phrase, the song plays in my head. It’s time to put it on a paper plate. Grab some bright yellow paint and paint a sun on your plate.

Next, use a marker to jot down a simple line from the lyrics. You can also use brush paints or paint markers like these to the same effect.

42. Reindeer Purse


Rudolph is the cutest reindeer of the lot. Well, to be honest, he’s the only reindeer I know of. That red nose really comes in handy, doesn’t it?

You’re going to be making a purse—a purse!—out of paper plates. They’re perfect for your kids to stash their craft supplies in when they’re not using them.

They can also cart around little toys, knick-knacks, and more. But it all comes back to Rudolph—that’s why they’ll love this paper plate purse; not because of its utility.

43. Minion


To be honest, I was saving this minion paper plate project for the last few items on the list. All good things who wait, or in this case, made their way all the way down to this one.

I think that the key to recreating the perfect minion is to get that minion shade of yellow just right. Everything else is variable, but the color is not.

So spend some time picking out the perfect shade of yellow to use. Then, grab a canning band, or a mason jar ring from here. If there’s room for another eye, then grab two.

44. Octopus


Octopi are the strangest creatures out there, and I don’t mean just in the ocean. They’re just so enigmatic and oddly magical. The fact that they have a built-in protection mechanism to help them just tops their cool-factor.

This octopus paper craft project is a learning opportunity that you can use to get your kids interested in sea life. Or, if they already have a healthy obsession, you can sate their thirst for sea life crafts.

Just remember to practice your paper curling technique when you’re working on the tentacles.

45. Christmas Tree


When Christmas time is high upon us, then there breaks out this inexplicable frenzy for holiday cheer and holiday crafts. You either give in and enjoy crafting Christmas trees, or you deal with being called Grumpus, or worse, Scrooge.

This little Christmas tree hanging is a quick-fix solution to keep your kids occupied while also adding to your holiday decor. This can easily go up on your actual Christmas tree, too.

46. Patriotic Wreath


Fourth of July is the perfect time to teach your kids all about the history of their country and its rich heritage. You can start by teaching about the national flag and all the symbolism at play there, from the number of stars there are to the colors used.

Grab a paper plate and cut out the edges to create a wreath form. You can use the rim as a wreath form and adhere your colored tissue around it.

47. Thanksgiving Thankful Wheel


Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks and feeling grateful. This is something that can and should be introduced to kids right from a young age, to get them started on their journey of gratitude.

The first step is to sit down and jot down a list of everything you’re grateful for and divide your paper plate into as many parts.

Then go ahead and paint it into something that resembles pumpkin pie—Thanksgiving isn’t complete with gratitude or great pie!

Yield: Paper plate crafts

47 Fun Paper Plate Crafts for Kids

paper plate crafts

Got some paper plates at home? These fun paper plate crafts for kids are easy, beautiful, cute, and cheap to make.

Prep Time 10 minutes
Active Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Difficulty Easy
Estimated Cost $1


  • 1. Flower
  • 2. DIY Woven Bowl
  • 3. Witch
  • 4. Rocket
  • 5. Bat
  • 6. Grinch
  • 7. Monster
  • 8. Racoon
  • 9. Cotton Ball Penguin
  • 10. Space
  • 11. Apple
  • 12. Minni Mouse
  • 13. Magnet Maze
  • 14. Sunshine and Cloud
  • 15. Unicorn
  • 16. Princess Leia
  • 17. Winnie the Pooh
  • 18. Fruit Slices
  • 19. Sydney Harbor
  • 20. Ladybug
  • 21. Tipping Teapot
  • 22. Snowman Christmas Countdown
  • 23. St.Patricks Wreath
  • 24. Daniel and the Lion’s Den
  • 25. Suncatcher
  • 26. Snake
  • 27. Scarecrow
  • 28. Whale
  • 29. Caterpillars
  • 30. Plane in the Clouds
  • 31. Tiger
  • 32. Rainbow
  • 33. Snowman
  • 34. Frankenstein Mask
  • 35. Spider
  • 36. Black Cat
  • 37. Easter Bunny Wreath
  • 38. Parrot
  • 39. Spider Web
  • 40. Halloween
  • 41. Sunshine
  • 42. Reindeer Purse
  • 43. Minion
  • 44. Octopus
  • 45. Christmas Tree
  • 46. Patriotic Wreath
  • 47. Thanksgiving Thankful Wheel


  1. Choose the paper plate craft!
  2. Gather your supplies!
  3. Make your very own paper plate project.


Friday 1st of April 2022

Hey, thanks for including some of our ideas :) these all look great!

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