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37 Extra Easy DIY Compost Bin Ideas

Take your gardening to a whole new level by making your very own compost bin. Check out all these composting ideas and get the inspiration you need.
diy compost bins

Composting does not have to be sweaty, stinky work. It can be fun, simple, and even an exciting venture.

Think about it: you can get rid of kitchen and yard waste, and in return, you get rich, organic, and nutrient-filled compost for your backyard garden. Win-win situation, right?

So, here’s a list of 37 extra easy DIY compost bin ideas to get you started.

1. Simple DIY Compost Bin

Simple DIY Compost Bin


A compost bin is a must-have for every good gardener. But it also takes time to design and build. So keeping it simple can be just as effective and gratifying.

In under 6 hours, you can have this DIY compost bin too. Well ventilated and airy, and with a sturdy lid hatch, it’s as easy as it is efficient!

With a reliable drill kit from here, you’ll be on your way in no time.

2. DIY Compost Bin In 15 Minutes

DIY Compost Bin In 15 Minutes


A compost bin in 15 mins? Promises, promises. But if it means a clean and effective compost bin, I’d be willing to risk it.

First, you’ll need this compost keeper. Next, grab your power drill and drill around 12 to 15 holes in the bottom of the compost bin for proper drainage.

Finally, it’s time to layer the bin. Gather leaves, grass, weeds, cardboard, newspaper, leaves, and even dryer lint if you have it. The rule of thumb is that if it comes from the earth, it can go into this bin.

3. Inexpensive Compost Bin

Inexpensive Compost Bin


Affordability is what every gardener looks for in a compost bin—affordability and a reasonably attractive exterior that can mask the compost within.

This compost bin offers the best of both worlds. This bin is big and roomy, but at the same time, it’s compact enough to retain heat and moisture—both of which are important in the decomposition process.

You’ll need some lumber and wood screws to hold it in place.

4. Compost Tumbler Bin

Compost Tumbler Bin


For this DIY Compost bin, get this plastic drum to get started. They’re designed to hold large volumes, so they’ll be perfect as compost bins.

All set? Let’s get started on the tumbler’s hatch door first. You’ll need to cut the door into the side of the drum to allow access to remove or add materials to your compost.

You can easily assemble the hatch door and screw the hinges in place. When you’re done, you’ll have a latch door, and your bin should be ready to be layered with compost!

Alternatively, you can even use storage totes from here to the same effect, and they come with sturdy handles already in place!

5. Compost Container

Compost Container


Go ahead and drag your trash can to your backyard. You don’t want to do that? Okay, just get another one here.

Next, you’ll need to drill rows of holes into the top and the bottom halves of the trash can. The holes on top will allow air to circulate.

The ones in the bottom will let the worms and creepy-crawlies enter. Yes, worms.  Both will help with the decomposition process.

Now, dig a hold in the designated spot, wide enough to fit the bottom part of the trash can, and place it snugly in there before you cover it half-way up.

6. No-Work Composting

No-Work Composting


You’ll need a trash can again for this DIY project: something sturdy, but only this time, try this plastic garbage can instead of the galvanized can.

You’ll also need an appropriately-sized drill bit and a bungee cord from here. Now, drill some holes into the lid to allow air to circulate. You know the drill(ha!).

After that, it’s all a matter of choosing your organic compost materials, and you’re good to go.

7. Wooden Crate Compost Bin

Wooden Crate Compost Bin


An unobtrusive yet effective compost bin is all that you need, really. But to build it, you’ll need supplies like :

  • Fence boards
  • 2-by-2 planks for the inner frame, and
  • Some heavy-duty gorilla wood glue.

You’ll also need to ‘borrow’ some wooden alphabet blocks from your kid. You can’t have a compost bin with a compost sign, can you?

8. Back To The Basics Of Tumbler Compost Bins

Tumbler Compost Bins


This DIY project calls for a plastic drum, or you can also use a mixing barrel(look here). Alternatively, you can use drums you have lying around that you are using for storage or otherwise.

Depending on where you get your drum from, preparing and cleaning it beforehand is essential. Use a chemical-free detergent that will not alter the compost pit’s pH balance.

9. Compost Bin For Kitchen Scraps

Compost Bin For Kitchen Scraps


Compost bins come in handy when you just want to get rid of kitchen scraps, albeit more effectively.

Out the window and down the drain are not where kitchen scraps belong. Now, you can throw away kitchen scraps, or in a few weeks, you can have a good compost bin.

This compost bin needs some chicken wire. You can find that here. While you’re at it, grab some wooden posts to help you build the frame.

10. Compost Bin For Kids

Compost Bin For Kids


Composting can be an adventure. You can rope toddlers in to help collect what you’ll need to add to the bin once you’ve built it.

This includes leaves, twigs, and the odd scraps of food they’ve managed to hide in their lunch boxes.

You’ll just need a storage tote or even just a recycling bin from here to get started.

Speaking of fun ways to keep kids occupied, here are some summer crafts for them to enjoy.

11. Wood Frame Compost Pile

Wood Frame Compost Pile


Building a composting bin from scratch can help you customize it to suit your specific needs. You can make it as big or as small, as simple or as high-end as you need it to be.

This one has a grid panel system in place. You can also hang a door frame to help with easy access.

Once you’re done building the frame, go ahead and line the interiors with galvanized hardware cloth from here.

12. Ready To Assemble Wooden Compost Bin

Wooden Compost Bin

Credit: Etsy

With all the talk about effective waste disposal by composting kitchen scraps, are you really surprised that you’ve got ready to assemble kits?

This particular kit has an Eastern White Cedar frame with a metal cloth interior. There is also a hinged top for easy loading.

Additionally, you have a removable front panel to make compost turning and removal easier. These kits take the guesswork out of building a bin.

13. 3 Bin Compost System

3 Bin Compost System


Not a compost bin or a compost pile, no. This is a compost system with a three-part process that makes composting a breeze.

The first compartment, and the middle one, are designed to store the materials you collect: kitchen scraps, leaves, twigs, and the likes.

You just have to transfer the materials into the last bin. Once there, you turn it over routinely. This will help with the decomposition process.

14. Stone Block Compost Bin

Stone Block Compost Bin


Is it a fort? Is it a trench? It’s a…compost bin, and it is here to stay. It’s been set in stone, literally.

A stone compost bin like this will not stick out like a sore thumb in your garden. With stone blocks, mortar, gravel, and the necessary tools, you can create a clean and effective composting bin.

Just wear a pair of safety goggles and a dust mask to protect your face.

15. Cardboard Box Compost Bin

Cardboard Box Compost Bin


If you’re a beginner who’s looking to learn about composting, you might not be up to investing in a compost bin or building your own. A cardboard box like this can be a great starter bin in that case.

Cardboard boxes are biodegradable, and over time you’ll find that they will slowly start to decompose themselves. Till that time, you’ll be able to figure out the process and whether you want to continue.

When it’s time, you can transfer the cardboard box into a proper bin and allow it to become a part of the compost.

16. Beehive Style Compost Bin

Beehive Style Compost Bin

Credit: Etsy

It would make sense to have a beehive-like structure to use as a compost bin. They both have sturdy walls with a compact structure and inner chamber.

They also have top-sided lids. This will come in handy when it’s time to turn the compost.

Additionally, these structures are much better than a regular plastic bin, in terms of aesthetics at the very least. You can build one yourself or find one right here.

17. DIY Trash Can Turned Compost Bin

DIY Trash Can Turned Compost Bin


In just over 15 minutes, you can turn your trash can into a compost bin. You’ll need a trash can with a lid and a power drill to get started.

First, drill holes on the lid and the bottom of the bin. This project calls for drilling up the sides of the trash can, as well.

That’s pretty much it, and you’ve got yourself a compost bin in 15 minutes. All that’s left to do is fill it up with your decomposable materials, and you’re set.

18. Stackable Milk Crate Compost Bins

Milk Crate Compost Bins


You’ve probably got a few stackable storage bins already. But you can use milk crates like these to the same effect.

You’ll also need a mesh screen or a length of metal hardware cloth if you have it. This is used to line the insides of the crate.

Finally, why don’t you consider making a wooden lid for the crate with a pull handle?

19. Compost Pit For Yard Waste

Compost Pit For Yard Waste


Kitchen waste is a great source of biodegradable materials that you can fill a compost bin with. Another such source is your backyard.

You can amass enough yard waste in a couple of weeks to add into a compost pile like this. You can even rope your kids into it, make it a fun adventure where they’d scourge for twigs, leaves, flowers and—shudder—fat worms.

You’ll need this welded wire utility fence for this project. Also, if you have some leaves left over, why not make this DIY leaf candle holder?

20. Lazy Composting

Lazy Composting


Composting doesn’t necessarily have to be a complicated dance between you and the right composting bin system. A cozy corner in your yard is all you need.

Now, before the era of compost bins and compost systems, you had your everyday compost pile. It was a pit in a backyard that did the job and did it right.

This can work for you, too, as long as you don’t have a pet who might inadvertently dig it up. So, grab a shovel and start digging a pit.

21. Worm Compost Bin

Worm Compost Bin


I am not a fan of creepy crawlies or fat worms. But I do understand how vital their roles are in the decomposition process.

So here’s a vermicompost DIY bin you can set up. You’ve probably already got the storage totes, and you’re sure to have a few newspapers lying around.

Now, for the hard part, you’ll need worms. You can’t wait for them to crawl into the totes because you can’t guarantee they will.

So I guess you have to suck it up and go digging for them. Or, you can pop over to the local garden supply store, and they can hook you up with some worms.

22. Compost Bucket- Easy and Frugal

Compost Bucket


Kitchen composting can be simple, easy, and most importantly, it can be frugal. You just need a simple bucket from here to get you started.

If you’re looking to simplify it further, you can use something you already have. Anything with a lid will work: a coffee can or even just a kitchen storage container.

You’ll also need a charcoal filter from here, but that’s pretty much it.

23. Used Tire Compost Bin

Used Tire Compost Bin


I’m sure you’ve got a spare tire or two lying around that you’ve not got around to replacing. No? You can find them here or get a few from your local hardware store at a discount.

Grab a sharp knife or an electric saber saw and get started on cutting the sidewalls. Next, stack the tires on top of the other.

That’s pretty much it. Just start piling your compost with your materials, and you’re set.

24. Basket Weave Compost Pit

Basket Weave Compost Pit

Credit: WordPress

This compost pile looks like something out of a magazine, with its basket weave frame. It fits right in, doesn’t it?

It’s nice and big, with enough room to pile on and layer with more materials. In addition, the curved frame allows for air to circulate while simultaneously allowing for heat and moisture to percolate.

Just grab a rake first, though. You can prop it up against the bin till you need to turn the compost.

25. Compost Tumbler In A Cradle DIY

Compost Tumbler In A Cradle DIY

Credit: Blogspot

This compost tumbler project calls for a cradle system that allows easy turning. So, once you’ve made your barrel/tumbler and attached its hinge door, you can start building the cradle.

You will need to attach a couple of rollers on either side of the cradle to make it easy to turn the tumbler. Now just grab a can of black spray and paint the bin black.


The dark color will help to trap heat inside more effectively.

26. Pot Calling The Kettle A Compost Bin

Pot Calling The Kettle A Compost Bin


You can buy a fancy, industrial-looking compost bin, sure. Or, you can sculpt your own teapot-shaped compost bin.


You’ll need to set up a rough, curved base frame, but it’s relatively easy once you’re done with that.

Just use mesh or pliable metal cloth to fashion and sculpt the lid, the spout, and the handle.

It would be poetic to add tea leaves to the compost pile, don’t you think?

27. DIY Compost Bin

DIY Compost Bin


Here’s a standard, no-nonsense DIY compost bin idea for you. Have you cleaned your bin and drilled the necessary holes along the top, bottom and sides?

Good, you can start layering.

First is the base layer with shredded newspapers and dry leaves up to a quarter way. Next, add your dirt until you’re half-way up the bin.

Then, add your food scraps, eggshells, and even some lint if you have it. Give it all a good stir, spray some warm water, and set the decomposition in motion,

28. Straw Bale Compost Bin

Straw Bale Compost Bin


Did you know that straw makes a wonderful addition to a compost pit? They’re biodegradable and help to hold moisture and heat in place.

So, why not make a compost bin with bales of straw like this? It would be a compact structure.

Additionally, when the straw begins to break down itself, you can just incorporate it into the compost. A win-win situation!

29. Garbage Drum Composter

Garbage Drum Composter


Well, if you think about it, what better place to put kitchen scraps in than in a garbage bin?

But how do you make it easier to turn the compost? You can skewer the bin onto a long metal rod that is attached to a wooden frame.

What does it do, you ask?

Well, it lifts the bin a few inches off the ground, and the metal rod allows you to swing the garbage can. It’s like a cradle, but with a 360 degree swing and compost inside, instead of a baby

30. Super Easy DIY Compost Bin

Super Easy DIY Compost Bin


This one’s pretty much your default garbage bin composter. Only, it’s got wheels (look here), so that makes transporting it easier.

You can just as easily tuck it away into a corner in your yard. It will be out of sight, with no overwhelming aroma to bother you.

Just let it sit there and work its magic on the rich blend of organic compost in its belly.

31. Multiple Bin Compost System

Multiple Bin Compost System


A big-scale gardener with larger gardens knows that a multiple bin system is more effective. It’s one of the better ways to produce a larger volume of compost in a relatively shorter time.

This DIY project is for those who need a design that can deliver quantity, quality, and short-time compost.

32. Pallet Project Compost Bin

Pallet Project Compost Bin


Do you have a yard that needs cleanup? Also, do you have some repurposed wooden pallets from here and zip ties like this? Do you have a rake? And kids?

Then you all but have a compost bin ready to set up. The kids are for helping you with the yard work, not for the compost.

Have them collect some pebbles and rocks while they’re out cleaning the yard. Once they’re done, you can treat them to a craft session and make this DIY rock photo holder.

33. Milk Crate Composter

Milk Crate Composter


Surely you have a few milk crates lying around? That’s all you need to get this compost bin project going.

Layer the bottom of the crate with some sturdy brown paper like this or a few layers of newspapers. Next, layer weed block fabric(look here) along the sides and hot-glue it in place.

34. Vermicomposting Bin

Vermicomposting Bin


I’m not handling this bin unless I’ve got head to toes protective gear. If I have to deal with worms, it will be on my terms.

I guess worms in a bin are more manageable than worms in an open compost pit. You’ll need an opaque compost bin from here, with a lid or tarp to prevent light from streaming in.

35. Outdoors Worm Bin

Outdoors Worm Bin


Another worm bin. Will it ever end, I wonder. Why couldn’t we use gummy worms instead, or just make craft worms and bugs indoors?

This DIY project needs a deep, pitted box or slab, preferably with a lid. You’ll need to drill holes into it for drainage, as well as to allow air to circulate.

Once you’re set up, line the bottom with bedding: old compost, straw, sawdust, shredded cardboard, or paper.

Finally—you can’t put it off forever—in go the worms. Just dump them in and get out of the way while they settle into their home.

Speaking of making bug-crafts, check out these ladybug crafts for bug lovers.

36. Woodwork Three-Bin Compost System

Woodwork Three-Bin Compost System

Credit: WordPress

Just because it’s a heaping, steaming, teeming-with-worms pile of rotting waste, that’s no reason why you can’t have a system.

This compost system can hold up to 55 gallons per bin. That’s a considerable amount of waste and scrap from the kitchen going in and compost coming out.

Check out more adult projects to get busy with!

37. Rotating Drum Compost

Rotating Drum Compost


A rotating compost allows you to turn the innards routinely. It’s important to allow the compost matter to breathe and for the moisture to evenly spread.

This will increase the decomposition process. Bonus, it also means that you don’t have to get your hands dirty and rake the materials.

Instead, just rotate the drum, and you’re all done!